A flower essence is an imprinted living water that we preserve to take as a remedy

A flower essence is an imprinted living water
that we preserve to take as a remedy

They have been used by many cultures for thousands of years

Flower essence 

Flower essences are subtle and gentle, yet can be truly powerful and empowering. The healing that flower essences carry is energetic, vibrational and connects with us in the same way. Essences are obtained by extracting the healing vibrational quality from the most evolved part of the plant - the flowers.

This range has been born out of a need to help women clear any negative patterns or beliefs they may have held onto for years, sometimes unknowingly.

The flower essences used in these blends are created from our Australian bush flowers and work on mind, body, and spirit. Flower essences are self-adjusting and will release the layers of blocked emotions to whatever ‘point of resolution’ the person is able to deal with at that point of time.

These essences enable your menopause transformation to be smooth - to clean the slate. These bush flower essences are unique to Australia, a country which itself has a wise old energy. Not only does Australia have the highest number of flowering plants in the world, they are also the oldest.

“Not only does Australia have the highest number of flowering plants in the world, they are also the oldest”

The flower essences made from them have a real raw beauty and strength. As a Naturopath I see many people with chronic conditions which can be stubborn to resolve. Our health is not only physical and I believe

that good health is a result of emotional, spiritual, and mental harmony. These blends work on deeply held emotions to dissolve and clear any negative feelings and belief patterns, helping to bring about balance.