Holistic Health

Holistic Health

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Hi! My name is Anne and I am a qualified Naturopath, Clinical Nutritionist, and Western Herbal Medicine Practitioner.

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Nov 26, 2021 Anne Reid

Holistic health recognises the whole person. It takes into consideration the connection of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual elements of our being.

Its understanding is that all aspects affect your overall health, and that being unwell in one aspect affects you in others.

Holistic health is about achieving maximum well-being, where everything is functioning the very best that it can. Rather than just focusing on treating symptoms, focusing on illness or specific parts of the body, a holistic practitioner will look at the whole person to try to determine the underlying causes of a condition.  

“This approach to healing focuses on preventative medicine.”

There are 8 pillars that sustain holistic health and wellness.

Physical wellness - Is more than just incorporating movement. It includes getting a good restorative sleep, good hygiene, and healthy diet.

Nutritional wellness - A balanced diet full of nutritionally dense foods help you to feed your mind and body. Incorporating more fruits and vegetables, of diverse colours and types, along with wholegrains and a modest portion of protein will help achieve this.

Emotional wellness - Being able to navigate your feelings and effectively sharing or communicating them with others is vitally important for emotional wellness.

Social wellness - Connections with others is vitally important for your happiness and ability to adapt to stress.  

Environmental wellness - By doing your part to support the environment that supports you. This will not only make you feel like you are a part of a global community, but you can also reduce your carbon footprint.

Intellectual wellness - Engaging the mind by learning new skills or knowledge, doing things that challenge you and help you grow are ways to stimulate and strengthen your intellectual being.

“Holistic health empowers you to take control of your own health.”

Financial wellness - Financial troubles are one of the top stressors. So, pursuing betterment in this area, such as living within your means, is an important factor of holistic health and wellness.

Spiritual wellness - We all view spirituality differently. It is not about a specific religion or belief system. It can be viewed as a sense of purpose, direction, or meaning, without which, values can slip to the wayside, upending life’s balance.  

Holistic health is empowering as you are taking control of your own health. It is both cost-effecting for both acute and chronic illness and therapeutic in preventing and treating chronic disease.

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About the author

Hi! My name is Anne and I am a qualified Naturopath, Clinical Nutritionist, and Western Herbal Medicine Practitioner.

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